Activate Your Sexual Energy for Holistic Success
You are thinking… if I just could hit that next income level, executive role, gain a certain status, etc, then I could relax and be more open with my partner or be open to having a partner…
But you see that doesn’t work and it’s not true!
Even when you get to that next level, that same pattern of sacrifice will be there so your relationships (starting with yourself) will continue to suffer.
Therefore, learning how to activate your sexual energy and relationship intelligence is the key to conscious, holistic success – inside and outside the bedroom.
LEARN MOREDiscover Connection Sex and Money
How you handle one thing is how you handle everything. Shame holds us back in ways we can’t easily see. Your sexual confidence impacts you in the bedroom as well as in the boardroom. It’s either a catapult in your life or something that holds you back. And the feedback is visible in your bank account.
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I love how Maria is able to nail the core issues on the head, bringing you into the body. Maria offers the most awe-some combination of coaching tools, body-work, spirituality, sexuality and mindful-ness techniques to coach all of your being, not just your business. She is a powerful teacher.

Sara Arbinger
Working with Maria helped me open up to love again. Maria has a brilliant gift to see through my own hangups and fears, to really see me. She is fearless and that transmits to me so I can release and let go of fears and live a more fulfilled life.

Anna Åberg
After working with Maria me and my husband have taken our sexlife to a whole new level…. and we have been together for almost 30 years. I’m so relieved and happy to have released feelings of shame and the fear I had about my sexuality.

Johanna Nilsson
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Working with me is by invitation after discover your desire and needs in a leadership or intimacy breakthrough session.

Conscious Love Coaching Circle
Discover new ideas, perspectives and tools of what it means to live connected and turned on and be able to be more creative and efficient in your life.
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Activate Your Sexual Energy
Learn about the masculine and feminine energy and how this is the doorway to more success in your intimate and professional life. Apply for your powerful breakthrough session.
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Money Breakthrough
We all have our unique relationship with money. Learn how your financial archetypes is a support in business and your relationship life. Discover where your financial success rests.
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Leadership Breakthrough
It’s time to bring out your power in a conscious strategic leadership. When you have aligned with your soul, nothing will ever feel the same. Apply for your powerful breakthrough session.
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Be daring…
align with your essence!
your feminine energy!
from flow and ease with joy!
My Blog
In my blog you find articles about relationships, sexual energy, the connection between sex and money and what’s truly needed for a leadership that has the capacity to change the world.

Why is it so hard to continue to have love in your life?
You meet a person that is attractive to you. Immediately you feel this notion of infatuation. This must be your soulmate! Maybe it’s we forever? All these feelings are mutual[…]
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When you longing for freedom and independence instead of engaging in love…
I find this over and again with women and also with men. You are working hard, building your business or achieving something in your successful career. You have the ambition[…]
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Mistakes that high-achieving women make which keeps them from love and money…
The last thing a high-achieving woman wants is a mediocre man. She has been doing so much personal development and inner work, that she really wants to meet someone who[…]
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Did your relationship survive the summer vacation?
If so – congratulations. Swedish statistics indicate this is a major challenge for most couples. The month of October has during the past 20 years, had the highest divorce rate[…]
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Why do relationships often fail…
I often hear: ”We had such a great relationship but then I don’t know what happened? S/he don’t want to be with me any longer.” The real underlying problem here[…]
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