Category: Feminine Power

feminine energy

Why do relationships often fail…

I often hear: ”We had such a great relationship but then I don’t know what happened? S/he don’t want to be with me any longer.” The real underlying problem here is that most people are not really willing to learn the ART of Relationships. A relationship is for many, just something that happens without any…
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September 30, 2021 0

The Wild Woman’s Way – An interview with Michaela Boehm

I had this very interesting interview with Michaela in the Blogtalkradioshow Sex, Money & Leadership Talk Show. Unfortunately, there were technical problems. Even though I might not be capable of fully capturing the essence of her beautiful teaching that occurred during these technical difficulties, I have still decided to write this blog post as a…
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August 11, 2020 0

How to turn defeat into power!

Do you belong to those who easily get into the feeling of defeat? Maybe you don’t get the attention you want, or you don’t get the connection you are longing for?  Maybe you recognize the feeling of not being able to clearly communicate what’s truly important to you, speaking about the arising fears growing inside…
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August 5, 2020 0

Venus Transition – A Reason for Change

Have you recently heard the term Venus Transition?  This week is an important week from an astrological point of view because of the Venus transition. Right now can be a turning point in your life. Venus is eclipsing the sun today (June 5). Next time this happens is hundreds of years from now in 2117.…
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June 5, 2012 1

The Importance of Loving Yourself

I just came back from my friend and healer Carina Halvardsson. Yes, even though she is a massage therapist, her holistic way of approaching her clients is an act of profound healing. She combines her massage with coaching and get her clients to heal themselves by creating an awareness from the inside and out. Her…
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March 24, 2012 0