Category: Personal Growth

Growing in Confusion

How often are  you confused? I am a university professor, and I find that my students are often confused. I remind them that it’s part of the learning process. When you learn new material or try to understand new thoughts and ideas, it’s natural to feel confused. It just means that you are processing new…
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April 19, 2012 0

I am Grateful!

How often do you express these words? I am a big fan of Cafe Gratitude, a Raw Food restaurant.  I remember the first time I visited Cafe Gratitude.  The first thing I noticed was that some of the dishes (named things like I am wonderful!, I am loved! and I am grateful!) took some courage…
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April 16, 2012 0

Embracing Emotions

I recently spoke with a friend who is working through the grieving process after unexpectedly losing a loved one. Within her eyes I expected to see hurt, sadness, or pain.  I even thought that I might see numbness on her face – as many who face the grieving process tend to shut down for a…
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April 12, 2012 0

What Attracts People to Work with Me

Over and over again, I come back to the question – what attracts people to work with me? There are many reasons why people look for a coach. But, I came to a point where it became important that I define what kinds of clients are attracted to the work I’m doing? What is the…
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April 9, 2012 0

Theta Healing: Personal Growth

I have found more success when I combine coaching with the methodology of Theta Healing™.  It is a powerful complementary methodology that can create a fast and efficient shift in consciousness. While a professional coach needs some time to process the client’s perspective of fear, a Theta Healer digs deep immediately.  They quickly identify the…
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April 4, 2012 0