Did your relationship survive the summer vacation?

Did your relationship survive the summer vacation?

October 6, 2021 Blog Relationships 0

If so – congratulations. Swedish statistics indicate this is a major challenge for most couples. The month of October has during the past 20 years, had the highest divorce rate each year.   

According to Swedish Statistics (SCB), the average couple who divorce are in their 40’s with an income level between 20-40 000 SKR and they have been together for about 10 years. 

One of the reasons couples seem to divorce this time of the year is a result of spending more time with each other during the vacation. If you are not used to being around each other during the day it can be challenging to have the situation 24/7. 

I think it is interesting that it seems more dangerous to spend time with your loved one. Moreover, it goes totally against the understanding of the notion of Conscious Love. Before my book ”Conscious Love: Soulful and Intimate Connection” I met many couples and the book is based on interviews with those who choose to live and work together, taking pleasure of actually spending time with each other. When your love is a conscious choice, it’s quite obvious that you actually enjoy spending time with each other. 

Saying that – I don’t mean that it’s great to always be around each other the whole time. In my Relationship Model for Conscious Love, one of the pieces to understand is the concept of Void – the ability to consciously create a break from the everyday reality of the relationship so you get an opportunity to feel that you are missing each other. 

The problem I think often happens is that people are missing out on knowledge – what does it take to create turn-on and intimacy in our relationship? When the everyday realities are taking over, it’s very easy to find that your partner is boring… or doesn’t give you what you truly want. 

Want to learn more about how YOU can create an ideal relationship? 

Join my Conscious Love Workshop