The number one problem business owners have when it comes to making more money

Your ability to stay in the heat, being able to communicate your feelings, needs and wants with your partner, says something about your ability to succeed in other areas of your life – your career and business.
The number one problem most business owners are facing when it comes to generating money can actually be traced down to their unknown problem of how they handle relationships.
# They keep maintain toxic relationships irrespective if its a partner or friends, leading to suppressed emotions that cause suffering
# They are not clear about their own boundaries related to family and friends which cause stress and anger and the feeling of not ’good enough’
# They have a problem communicating clearly their boundaries, wants, and needs
I can mention more ways how you might sell out your power. The most important thing to know is that when we socialize, we usually play roles and wear masks without even knowing it…. You are being someone else instead of feeling aligned with your true self. It’s very easy to conform to the group norm and how everybody else is acting, in order to make yourself feel included. But in the end, all this might be happening on the expense that you are selling out yourself.
Having a PhD in Sociology it’s always been natural for me to see that social interaction, or the way people behave with each other, is something that can be viewed from many different perspectives. In the bottom end we all want to feel included and loved. It’s just a problem that the way you are socializing might happen on the expense of yourself.
The same thing can happen with your intimate relationship. There was a time when I was married to a great man… it was just a problem that I couldn’t stand that the marriage was taking me in a direction where I felt I was selling out myself, my needs and wants in life….
Even though I didn’t know what they were at the time….
So I had to leave in order to find myself. That was a journey that took my life into a new path – a path of constant new learning and personal growth. Now when I’m also an expert in the field of understanding human motivation and our psychological needs with #MyNeeds, I see how I’ve my whole life have been taking decisions that’s been aligned with my primary need of Development…. And in situations where I felt I couldn’t satisfy my second need of Contribution – I’ve left.
During my life, I’ve experienced how we constantly upgrade our consciousness and energy level. There was a time I tried to create a relationship with a man who couldn’t meet me on the same consciousness level. I knew our relationship was not aligned but I it was a new opening in my life since he reminded me about how it feels to be loved.
They say that some people come to you for a reason, others for a season and some come for a lifetime. People come into your life for teaching you something… In that relationship, I was awakened to how it feels to be adored and cherished. At least for a while…
I always knew that he was there for a season and instead of me learning to let go, he gave me the important teaching of how it feels for a woman to not be sexually wanted by the man who is sleeping next to her. When I found out that he had started a relationship with another woman it was very easy to take him out from my life, in the gratitude that he had given me the experience so many women have – to be betrayed by a man.
I called one of my female friends, that 15 years later after leaving her man that had an affair with another woman, she is still being resentful. She still hates men and doesn’t see the point of having a man in her life… I called her to acknowledge her experience: ”I know the pain you feel.”
That feeling of betrayal caused distrust in men, but it also cracked a hole in my self-confidence which impacted my business. Even though I knew the trick for me was to heal from that experience, which I did by diving deep and holding all those emotions and feelings… the feedback was that another man showed up in my life. This time a spiritual and conscious man…
We started a co-creation enrolling women to a circle where we co-created around what it means when the healthy masculine and feminine meets in unity. For us both, this was a new experience. To be able to meet the opposite sex and consciously explore polarity. This story is soon to be released in my next upcoming book.
What I want to say with this post is that most people are unwilling to really go deep within themselves to heal those wounds we have from previous relationships. This is the reason why you still might be selling out yourself. One example of this can be illustrated in this story with a client that I helped. He was constantly looking for other women under the notion that ’the grass is greener on the other side’. What he didn’t see was that he already had a long-term relationship that he in fact was quite happy with. The problem was that he didn’t know how to create the relationship that he truly wanted since he was missing out on the necessary skills and tools. And that is totally normal behavior because most people haven’t learned how to be masterful in relationship skills. Of course this behavior impacted not only how he felt in the relationship, but also since he was dissipating sexual energy, it came to impact his business relationships, as well.
You see how you handle one thing, is how you handle everything. If you are out of integrity with yourself and don’t know what you want in your relationship, how can you be a leader in your life, for your business development or your career?
That’s why we have to talk about the connection between money & sex since these are the two reason why most people divorce. It is also the reason why this information belongs to the next level of consciousness If you want to upgrade yours to the next level, DM me for a conversation.
Picture thank you: