Why high-achievers constantly are searching for ”more”

Why high-achievers constantly are searching for ”more”

February 23, 2021 Blog 0
maria appelqvist

Driven by all the competence and experience you have, you know that you are meant for something bigger. 😀😀😀

You know that satisfying feeling that exists when you are living your purpose… reaching goals, building your business or working on that special project… 

You want to make an impact on the world, transforming it to a better place… and that includes many hours of hard work. 

You don’t want to feel restricted. That’s why freedom is so important to you. 

Therefore you keep yourself busy. Focused on your work and getting absorbed in the next task on your to-do list. To the extent that you don’t have time for intimate relationships.

You want to choose where you invest your time…. After all, time is limited. Therefore, investing in a loving relationship feels like a complex idea that you are not ready to commit to.

Therefore you prefer to take it lightly. You know that even though you don’t have it all together, in the final end you are going to have it all, including love and money. 

It’s just one problem…🥰 

The constant focus on work keeps you out of balance when it comes to relationships. The relationship with others but most of all the relationship you could have with yourself.

I know how this is because I’ve been there too. For 20+ years I was in a relationship with my job and business. That was a loving relationship…..passionate in my endeavors to change the world coaching leaders being aligned with themselves and their life purpose…. It was wonderful in the content creating….I’ve published books, writing tons of articles, doing research. I was engaged in many different projects and educations, meeting new exciting friends that I kept a connection with traveling back and forth overseas. 

What I didn’t understand was that I kept myself too busy for bringing love into my own life. 😱 It’s safer to keep yourself busy with the next goal of achievement instead of letting a person in. 

It’s even hard to admit… In many ways I was happy and content with a great sex life, I even became a trainer in the practice of Orgasmic Meditation, but in the final end I was missing out on true intimacy. 

That’s why I created my Relationship Intelligence of Conscious Love since it’s in through this learning you will see that you are not only an achieving (masculine energy) you are also a receiving (feminine energy). This is the totality of your being, which is more than what you actually are doing. 🥰

You see the quality of your inner life and the relationship you have with yourself is will be manifested in your material life. That’s why sexual energy is so important to understand. It’s the source for manifestation. 

I guide you to discover your sexual energy💋

Learning when it’s toxic or healthy, an expression of the masculine or feminine, and how that is showing up in your career, in your communication, and in intimate relationships. If you like to explore this and see what’s it like in your life and how this is impacting your finances or business, I invite you to a conversation to learn how you can transform this. ♥️


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